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42 books added

Jessica Conant-Park

Jessica Park is the author of the novel FLAT-OUT LOVE, the YA novel RELATIVELY FAMOUS, and five Gourmet Girl mysteries (written as Jessica Conant-Park). She also has two WHAT THE KID SAYS eshorts about crazy conversations that she has with her son. Both include plenty of fun (and a few tears) for anyone who loves kids. FACEBOOKING RICK SPRINGFIELD is another short download about her unrequited obsession with Rick and how that obsession helps her survive dark writing days.

She grew up in the Boston area and then went to Macalester College in frigid St. Paul, Minnesota. During her freshman year there was a blizzard on Halloween, and she decided that she was not cut out for such torture. So after graduation she moved back to the east coast where, she'd forgotten, it still snows. Oops. She now lives in New Hampshire with her husband, son, bananas dog named Fritzy, and two selfish cats. When not writing, she is probably on Facebook , pining over 80s rock stars or searching for the nearest caffeine joint. Oh, and she's a complete Gleek.

Genres: Mystery
Gourmet Girl (with Susan Conant)
   1. Steamed (2006)
   2. Simmer Down (2007)
   3. Turn Up the Heat (2008)
   4. Fed Up (2009)
   5. Cook the Books (2010)

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