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2 books added

Molly Evans

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Molly Evans has been a registered nurse for over twenty years, so she has plenty of experiences to draw from for her medical stories. She's published her first medical romance, The Surgeon's Marriage Proposal, for Harlequin Mills & Boon, which is out now. Her second book, The Nurse's Little Miracle, will be out in Feb, 2008 and she's working on her third book now. Molly's work experiences include eight years as a travel nurse at a variety of hospitals across the USA, from major research hospitals to small Indian Reservation facilities. Currently she works as a hospice nurse, has a husband, child, and lives in Albuquerque, NM. She's an active member of her local RWA chapter, LERA, the Land of Enachantment Romance Authors. One of Molly's life philosophies is that experienced nurse need to help the next generation of nurses take their place in the field. This philosophy applies to writers as well. Sharing information and helping other writers is an important part of Molly's life.

Genres: Romance
Alpha Company
   1. Alpha Wolf (2018)
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