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Norrey Ford

(Norren Dilcock)
UK flag (1907 - 1985)

aka Jill Christian, Christian Walford

Norren Dilcock was a writer of romance novels from 1952 to 1977 underdiferent pseudonyms: Norrey Ford, Jill Christian and Christian Walford. Shealso was the second elected Chairman (1963-1965) of the Romantic Novelists'Association and was a former vice-president of the organization.

Genres: Romance
   Bid Me to Love (1952) (as by Jill Christian)
   Where Love Is (1952)
   Heart in Waiting (1953) (as by Jill Christian)
   My Gentle Enemy (1953)
   The Romantic Heart (1953)
   Darling Girl (1954) (as by Jill Christian)
   Dragon Castle (1954)
   Love in the Morning (1954) (as by Jill Christian)
   Beyond the Frost the Flower (1955) (as by Jill Christian)
   Harvest of the Heart (1955) (as by Jill Christian)
     aka Nurse of My Heart
   The Mistress of High Trees (1955)
   The Chosen One (1956) (as by Jill Christian)
   The Rainbow in the Spray (1956)
   Let Love Abide (1957)
   Nurse with a Dream (1957)
   Summer Shadow (1958) (as by Jill Christian)
   Wild Waters (1958)
   The House of My Enemy (1959)
   This Day and For Ever (1959) (as by Jill Christian)
   The Far Sweet Thing (1960)
   Lad's Love (1960) (as by Jill Christian)
   The Tender Bond (1961) (as by Jill Christian)
     aka Nurse to Captain Andy
   Wild Rowan (1961)
   The Long Summer Night (1962) (as by Jill Christian)
   Doctor in the Dale (1966)
   The Castle of the Ravens (1967) (as by Jill Christian)
   Rich Man, Poor Man (1968)
   The Little Masters (1969) (as by Christian Walford)
   Marriage Tree (1969)
   Master of This House (1970) (as by Jill Christian)
   Someone Different (1970)
   Trouble at Gilmore's (1972)
   Walk Tall Country (1974)
   Life Most Dear (1974)
   One Hot Summer (1974)
   Call to the Castle (1974)
   Road of the Eagles (1975)
   The Love Goddess (1976)
   A Scent of Lemons (1977) (as by Jill Christian)
   The Fountain of Love (1977)
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