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13 books added

Hilary Leichter

Hilary Leichter's writing has appeared in n 1, the New Yorker, the Cut, the Southern Review, and elsewhere. She has taught fiction at Columbia University and has been awarded fellowships from the Folger Shakespeare Library and the New York Foundation for the Arts. She lives in Brooklyn, New York.

Genres: Literary Fiction
   Temporary (2020)
   Terrace Story (2023)
Hilary Leichter recommends
Worry (2024)
Alexandra Tanner
"Alexandra Tanner's Worry is a furiously funny, delirious anxiety spiral of a book - a novel of ideas with a bad case of insomnia, written in a voice that is brilliant and electric. Poppy and Jules are a modern-day Vladimir and Estragon, waiting for the endless scroll of life to make sense. And what wonderful company they are: the detritus of their tangents and distractions coalesces into blistering prose that barrels through the narcissism of daily life, landing somewhere startling, original, and true."
Jonathan Abernathy You Are Kind (2023)
Molly McGhee
"Welcome to the somnambulatory prose of Molly McGhee, where vivid nightmares and lucid tender dreams live side by side. Jonathan Abernathy You Are Kind is a revelation told with the honesty and delicacy of a drowsy oracle. There's nothing like it, awake or asleep or anywhere in between."
Death Valley (2023)
Melissa Broder
"Death Valley is a glorious mirage of a book. This is a mischievous and moving novel of prickly wonders, where the indignities of life are monumental, and the inanimate world only comes alive in the lonely glow of loss. Broder's writing is a brilliant, zany compass, leading us from the sorrow of existence toward the hilarity of someday having to die."

More recommendations 

Books containing stories by Hilary Leichter
Tiny Nightmares (2020)
Very Short Stories of Horror
edited by
Lincoln Michel and Nadxieli Nieto

Award nominations
2021 Bollinger Everyman Wodehouse Prize (nominee) : Temporary

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