2 books added

Stan R Lee

USA flag (1928 - 1997)

A successful advertising copywriter known for DDB Worldwide’s notorious political commercial “Daisy,” Stan R. Lee was also the author of two bestselling, highly-acclaimed, and innovative thrillers. Lee started his career as a writer of suspense novels with Dunn’s Conundrum – a riveting espionage story about a covert US intelligence organization and the operatives who work there. Raising questions about technology, the dangers of information, and the individual right to privacy, Lee’s prophetic thriller was way ahead of its time…and is as powerful today as when it was first published. Lee’s second thriller The God Project, follows an advertising executive working as a political campaign aide for the President. When the exec is asked to investigate a top secret CIA project, his photographic memory becomes instrumental to identifying the villains and unraveling the plot. In addition to writing novels and working in advertising, Lee served in the army and the navy during the Korean War and worked as a design engineer and a technical writer. He also served as head copywriter for Lyndon Johnsons’ presidential campaign in 1964 and worked for Eugene McCarthy in 1968. He died in 1997.

   Dunn's Conundrum (1985)
   The God Project (1990)

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