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4 books added

Kate Reed Petty

Kate Reed Petty lives in Baltimore. Her fiction has appeared in Electric Literature, American Short Fiction, and more, and her short films have appeared in Narrative magazine and at the Maryland Film Festival. She is also the author of the novel True Story, published by Viking in 2020.

Genres: Literary Fiction
   True Story (2020)
   The Leak (2021) (with Andrea Bell)
Graphic Novels show
Kate Reed Petty recommends
Rabbit Hole (2024)
Kate Brody
"I fell down Rabbit Hole in an obsessive spiral. So many good twists! It's a pitch-black story about ambiguous loss, and a blazingly feminist take on the self-destructive pull of the internet. And it's poignant. And it's unflinching. And that ending! Kate Brody is a star."
Don't Forget the Girl (2023)
Rebecca McKanna
"This is the kind of book I crave. It's an insightful, courageous exploration of friendship, sexuality, reputation, and self-deceit... AND it's a mystery novel I could not put down. Rebecca McKanna has written a nearly perfect subversion of the true crime genre... I cannot wait to press Don't Forget the Girl into the hands of all my friends."
Advika and the Hollywood Wives (2023)
Kirthana Ramisetti
"This delicious book is for all of us who love romantic comedies - and yet also mistrust the ways Hollywood romantic tropes can stifle our individuality and creativity in real life. Ramisetti's zippy, nuanced take on the Bluebeard tale is especially insightful about who gets to be a professional storyteller, and about the pressure to squeeze our lives and stories into the boxes prescribed by popular culture."

More recommendations 

Award nominations
2020 Bram Stoker Award for Superior Achievement in a First Novel (nominee) : True Story

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