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23 books added

Eve Smith

Eve Smith writes speculative fiction, mainly about the things that scare her. She attributes her love of all things dark and dystopian to a childhood watching Tales of the Unexpected and black-and-white Edgar Allen Poe double bills. In this world of questionable facts, stats and news, she believes storytelling is more important than ever to engage people in real life issues.

Set twenty years after an antibiotic crisis,her debut novel The Waiting Roomswas shortlisted for the Bridport Prize First Novel Award. Her flash fiction has been shortlisted for the Bath Flash Fiction Award and highly commended for The Brighton Prize.

Eve’s previous job as COO of an environmental charity took her to research projects across Asia, Africa and the Americas, and she has an ongoing passion for wild creatures, wild science and far-flung places. A Modern Languages graduate from Oxford, she returned to Oxfordshire fifteen years ago to set up home with her husband.

When she’s not writing she’s romping across fields after her dog, trying to organise herself and her family or off exploring somewhere new.

Genres: Science Fiction
   The Waiting Rooms (2020)
   Off-Target (2021)
   One (2023)
Eve Smith recommends
Crow Moon (2024)
(Martha Strangeways Investigation, book 1)
Suzy Aspley
"A nerve-tingling thriller that both enchants and terrifies. Aspley weaves sinister folklore into a tense murder investigation that has you looking over your shoulder as you turn each page."
End of Story (2023)
Louise Swanson
"A story that shocks, enchants and terrifies, End of Story lures you in to its darkly captivating world then rips the rug out from under you and breaks your heart. Loved it."
Dirt (2023)
(Jonny Murphy Files, book 1)
Sarah Sultoon
"A compelling thriller that weaves a complex tale - escalating to a shocking finale."

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