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5 books added

Jen Silverman

Jen Silverman is an American playwright and writer born in the United States. She grew up living and traveling in Scandinavia, Asia, and Europe as well as the United States.

Genres: Literary Fiction
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   The Island Dwellers (2018)
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Jen Silverman recommends
Here in the Dark (2023)
Alexis Soloski
"Soloski does not disappoint-in either her sharp-eyed and unflinching portrait of an unravelling critic, or in her delicious upending of genre. Hitchcock meets a slippery metatheatrics of power, performance, desire, and escape. This is a novel-and a protagonist-who moves with a precarious velocity, constantly choosing the most dangerous move and bringing us careening after."
Chrysalis (2023)
Anna Metcalfe
"A masterclass in character, Chrysalis is an unsettling and brilliant portrait - not just of a woman in transformation or of those who fall into her orbit, but also of a world defined simultaneously by our isolation and by our longing to connect. This is a sharply-wrought, surprisingly tender book about how our internal changes create external change... often in ways we didn't intend."
The Fake (2023)
Zoe Whittall
"The Fake is as witty and sharp as it is humane. I fell in love with these characters, and with the fabulist, fabulous heart that animates Whittall's writing."

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