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24 books added

Jill Williamson

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Jill was raised in rural Alaska. Alone with her thoughts and the moose, daydreaming was a favorite pastime. As was reading.

She always loved reading. She started out with Nancy Drew, the Hardy Boys, Little House on the Prairie, the Hobbit, and The Chronicles of Narnia. She loves just about every genre out there, but her all time favorites are fantasy and suspense.

Jill met Brad in college and they married after graduation. Her dreams of becoming a fashion designer dragged the couple to New York City for one year. After that, Brad's dreams of directing movies dragged them to Los Angeles. They both worked really hard for people who weren't very nice.

Genres: Inspirational, Fantasy, Children's Fiction, Science Fiction
New and upcoming books
June 2024

Running on Empty
(Riverbend Friends, book 7)
Blood of Kings
   1. By Darkness Hid (2009)
   2. To Darkness Fled (2010)
   3. From Darkness Won (2011)
Safe Lands
   1. Captives (2012)
   2. Outcasts (2013)
   3. Rebels (2014)
Mission League
   1. The New Recruit (2012)
   Chokepoint (2012)
   2. Project Gemini (2013)
   2.5. Ambushed (2014)
   3. Broken Trust (2016)
   4. The Profile Match (2018)
Kinsman Chronicles
   1. Darkness Reigns (2015)
     aka King's Folly
   2. The Heir War (2016)

     aka King's Blood

   3. King's War (2016)
     aka The End of All Things
   4. Kingdom at Sea (2016)
   5. Maelstrom (2016)
   6. Voices of Blood (2017)
   7. The Reluctant King (2017)
   8. A Deliverer Comes (2018)
   9. Warriors of the Veil (2018)
RoboTales (with Luke Williamson)
   1. Tinker (2015)
   2. Mardok and the Seven Exiles (2016)
   3. The Tiny Cyborg (2023)
Thirst Duology
   1. Thirst (2019)
   2. Hunger (2021)
   Replication (2012)
   Spirited (2012) (with others)
   The Sun Still Rises (2023) (with others)
Series contributed to
Riverbend Friends
   3. The Me You See (2021)
   7. Running on Empty (2024)
Non fiction
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Jill Williamson recommends
Enhanced (2023)
(Hybrid , book 1)
Candace Kade
"Enhanced is unlike anything I've ever read. Candace Kade's debut novel will draw readers into the wonderfully inventive urban sci-fi setting of New Beijing, filled with bot professors, social scores, and genetic enhancements. The story is a fast-paced blend of action, adventure, and mystery that kept me reading chapter after chapter. I loved Urban's story and cannot wait to find out what happens next."
Maxine Justice: Galactic Attorney (2022)
Daniel Schwabauer
"The intriguing sci-fi of Kerry Neitz blended with the legal intrigue of John Grisham. A gripping page-turner that will keep you reading into the wee hours of the morning."
Oath of the Brotherhood (2021)
(Song of Seare , book 1)
Carla Laureano
"Oath of the Brotherhood is a beautifully crafted allegory about finding one’s gifts and purpose. Carla Laureano has contributed a simply enchanting page-turner to the fantasy genre. I was delighted to discover it and disappointed it ended so soon. The Song of Seare is a promising new fantasy series with a vast storyworld that hints at more wonder to come. I loved this book!"

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