1 follower
4 books added

Mark Westmoreland

Genres: Mystery
Dooley Brothers
   1. A Violent Gospel (2021)
   2. A Mourning Song (2022)
Anthologies edited
   Trouble No More (2021)
Mark Westmoreland recommends
Fadeaway Joe (2023)
Hugh Lessig
"Though Joe Pendergrast is living with the early stages of dementia and will someday lose his memory, Fadeaway Joe will stick with readers long after they read its last page. What Hugh Lessig has accomplished within its pages is a triumph. Joe and Paula get into your marrow and travel with you. Don't cheat yourself by skipping out on this one. I can't forget it."
The Moonshine Messiah (2023)
(Mountaineer Mystery, book 1)
Russell W Johnson
"Russell Johnson's The Moonshine Messiah is Justified meets Fargo and with as many twists and turns as a Blue Ridge Mountain pass you won't put this book down. It's one I wish I could read again with fresh eyes."

Award nominations
2022 Anthony Award for Best Anthology or Collection (nominee) : Trouble No More: Crime Fiction Inspired by Southern Rock and the Blues

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