A light-hearted mystery featuring Wendy Sam Miller, fanny-rich owner of aSarasota Florida consignment shop, who must convince the police, and theoh-so-attractive Detective Litwin, that her friend and merchandise pickerIlene did not die in an accidental fall but was murdered. But why was shemurdered? Who would want her dead? And what does the mysterious list Ileneleft behind mean? Can Wendy Sam solve the mystery... and run her shop at thesame time? What with competitors like Evil Thalia and the sexy antiquedealer Henri Pousse, who may or may not be a thief called Harry the Grass,and a bevy of Sarasotans with their own agendas, Wendy Sam has to figure outwhats going on. Did Ilene fall... or was she pushed because she was pushingsome powers-that-be in this seaside town? Delightful characters and sunnyclimes provide an appealing venue for this author's first mystery. KateHolmes is the author of Too Good to be Threw, The Complete Operations Manualfor Resale & Consignment Shops, and an industry icon. Visit her Too Good tobe Threw site for consignment, resale, and thrift store shopkeepers and readthe first chapter of The Picker Who Perished there. "It looks as if KateHolmes has a winner in her book, THE PICKER WHO PERISHED, and she doesn'teven have to wait to find it on consignment." --Roundtable Reviews Watch forWendy Sam Miller in more Too Good to be Threw Consignment Shop Mysteries byKate Holmes.
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