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Elizabeth Atkinson

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Elizabeth Atkinson is originally from Florida. When she was a military wife She traveled extensively, even living in Guam for a couple of years. Ms. Atkinson moved to Colorado in 1987, She has lived there for the past nineteen years. She says,"She has always loved the mountains."

She has worked with children in one capacity or another for over twenty eight years. She is also the Mother of three daughters, and eight grandchildren.

Ms. Atkinson s books are aimed at the twelve to sixteen year old age group

Her passions are children and animals. That is why she enjoys writing children s books with animals in the story line.

She grew up surrounded by pets. She credits her Mother for her love of animals. She says, "My Mother taught me to love and respect all creatures, they all have their purpose in the scheme of things."

Elizabeth Atkinson recommends
Pack of Dorks (2014)
(Pack of Dorks, book 1)
Beth Vrabel
"You won't want to stop reading about Lucy and her pack...a heartwarming story to which everyone can relate."

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