Welcome to New Los Angeles, a city modified and reinforced to inspire hope amidst World War III. Adoptive brothers Kyle and Sakuya struggle to survive in the poor outskirts of the sprawling city, abandoned by the oppressive government and shunned by the rich. But, when Sakuya publicly showcases his psychic powers, the teenage brothers find themselves targeted by a secretive government agency seeking to build unconventional weapons using the psychic genome. The agency, however, is unaware of the unfathomable power Sakuya harbors within...
Can Kyle rescue his brother from a lifetime of experimentation? Or will the government inadvertently awaken Sakuya's wrath?
Prolific horror author Jon Athan presents a grim, action-packed vision of the future with his debut science-fiction/fantasy novel.
Genre: Science Fiction
Can Kyle rescue his brother from a lifetime of experimentation? Or will the government inadvertently awaken Sakuya's wrath?
Prolific horror author Jon Athan presents a grim, action-packed vision of the future with his debut science-fiction/fantasy novel.
Genre: Science Fiction
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