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11 books added

Lisa Appignanesi

(Elsbieta Borenztejn)
Poland (b.1946)

Lisa Appignanesi (born Elsbieta Borenztejn on January 4, 1946 in Łódź, Poland) is a writer and novelist of Polish-Jewish origin. Lisa Appignanesi has two children, the film-maker Josh Appignanesi, whose first feature is Song of Songs, and Katrina Forrester, campaigner with the group Plane Stupid. She lives in London.

ICA Documents Series
   Desire (1981)
   Culture and the State (1982)
   Ideas from France (1989)
   Postmodernism (1989)
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Belle Epoque
   1. Paris Requiem (2001)
   2. Unholy Loves (2006)
     aka Sacred Ends
   Memory and Desire (1991)
   Dreams of Innocence (1994)
   A Good Woman (1996)
   The Things We Do for Love (1997)
   The Dead of Winter (1999)
   Losing the Dead (1999)
   Sanctuary (2000)
   The Memory Man (2004)
Non fiction show

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