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A novel by

When J.P. Morgan and his fellow robber barons ruled America, display was all. In New York mansions along Fifth Avenue new money rubbed shoulders with the old and money could buy anything, including love. Across the ocean, the Titanic symbolized the aspirations of the newly rich and society flocked to become passengers on the world's most luxurious ocean liner. Set against this backdrop of wealth and privilege, Titanic is a story of obsession, greed, morality--and murder.

When Henry Blexill's English employer goes bankrupt, Henry is offered a job in New York by a prominent banker, Thaddeus Nugent Tarr. Henry soon finds himself in a world of newly rich people, without tradition, compulsive in their pursuit of money and power. And none more so than the ruthless sadist Tarr. Although he is soon dismissed, Henry is frustrated by the unanswered questions that surround Tarr and his household. Was it Tarr who ordered the deaths of striking miners and their families? Who died in the gatehouse of Tarr's summer estate? And how is Tarr's mistress Nicole involved? Henry feels compelled to find the answers to these questions and bring Tarr to Justice.

Henry's abrupt dismissal leaves him penniless and alone. Yet he is not without resources, and soon finds employment aboard the great ocean liners that traverse the Atlantic. Henry and Tarr are eventually brought together again in a final conflict aboard the doomed Titanic.

Genre: Mystery

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