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Saved by the Stryxian

(The second book in the Sryxian Alien Warriors series)
A novel by

When Brandy Trentler's wealthy family insists she marry the jerk who cheated on her, she signs up for the Stryxian mate lottery. Who knew her number would be drawn in the first round? Nothing goes right after that—the transport ship is attacked, she is captured by the enemy Morr-ta aliens and thrown in prison. When a gorgeous Stryxian warrior rescues her, she thinks she's won freedom and her fated mate, but he has some big, bad secret and apparently, it's a deal breaker for him.

Kando Cardax probably shouldn't go back into the enemy's lair to rescue the human female, but he cannot leave her to certain death. He also cannot hide his metal cyborg parts from her forever, especially since with each passing moment, he's falling in love with her. Passions flare as the two take refuge in a hidden section of the enemy base, but a discovery that could upend the Morr-ta war makes their odds of survival slim. Kando will do anything to protect Brandy as they fight to flee the enemy base, even if it means revealing himself as a cyborg to save her. All he's known is fear and aversion to cyborgs like him. Why should he expect Brandy to react any differently? And how will he let her go when he is asked to make the ultimate sacrifice to save both the Stryxian and human species?

This is book 2 in the Stryxian Alien Warriors series. I write what I love to read, so there is always consent and a happy ending, and never cheating or cliffhangers. Enjoy!

Genre: Paranormal Romance

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