Living with an alcoholic father during her teenage years, McKenna Parker grew up learning to fend for herself. The one constant in an otherwise chaotic life has been her high-school-sweetheart-turned-fiancé, Andrew Livingston. Before they could wed, however, her world is turned upside down when the Livingston family is implicated in the disappearance of a famous socialite. She can’t make herself believe any of them could be involved. Not even her future father-in-law, the prominent politician… even with his penchant for not-so-secretive affairs. Yet, when the accusations point even closer to home, she can’t escape the scrutiny. Or the death threat she receives: either leave now, or the man she loves will lose his life. Making the only choice she can, McKenna flees. For three years she’s hidden from the public eye, before taking a job as the online media manger for a prominent horse farm. She’s kept to herself yet hasn’t been able to hide from the watchful eye of the farm manager, Jordan Anderson. It seems he’s determined to break through her protective walls. And with his undeniable charisma, not to mention his rugged good looks, McKenna might actually let him. When Jordan discovers her secret – and a private investigator working for Andrew discovers her whereabouts – her life is again irrevocably altered. Torn between two men, McKenna isn’t sure where to turn. When lives are once again threatened, she’s not even sure she’s safe… anywhere. After all, where can someone turn when they don't know who to trust?
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Used availability for H C Bentley's Running For Him