In the darkest depths of the Pacific lies a new, underwater frontier, where only the brave or the desperate dare to tread...
Experts from the West, to harvest rich minerals - and to spy.
The Russians, to further their plans for global domination.
A team of sadistic mercenaries hired to protect mammoth business interests.
And a British journalist, Christopher Maine, in search of a story - and the sinister truth.
Down on the ocean bed a giant submersible forages for hidden treasures. But then the forces of man and nature terrifyingly unleash disaster after disaster - until the survival of the world itself is at stake.
Genre: Science Fiction
Experts from the West, to harvest rich minerals - and to spy.
The Russians, to further their plans for global domination.
A team of sadistic mercenaries hired to protect mammoth business interests.
And a British journalist, Christopher Maine, in search of a story - and the sinister truth.
Down on the ocean bed a giant submersible forages for hidden treasures. But then the forces of man and nature terrifyingly unleash disaster after disaster - until the survival of the world itself is at stake.
Genre: Science Fiction
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