Savage. Charming. Alpha.
Camel always gets what he wants. Except now, the one thing he wants is the one thing he can’t have. His first pack taught him that anything could be taken away if he wasn’t willing to fight for it. Like his pack brothers, he has a soulmate out in the universe waiting for him, and though Camel knows finding that person will help his pack save the world, he can’t stop fighting for a man more attracted to trouble than he is.
Fulton has a dangerous secret, one he’s tried to ignore for too long. He’s already put his family in danger and it’s time he faces the dark destiny that awaits him. He has so many regrets, but none as powerful as the day he met Camel. The alpha’s kisses are torture and his touches are a poison that make Fulton want what doesn’t belong to him.
Fulton is jealous of a man he hasn’t met, a man he’ll never meet if he dies attempting to take back his future. Camel should be off looking for that man, but the arrogant shifter won’t let Fulton out of his sight, forcing Fulton to fight not just his demons, but his own heart.
Envy is the fourth and final book in the Wolves of Resurrection Road series. It is an action-packed, unrestrained romance in a world of wolf shifters, angels, demons, and mpreg like you’ve never seen before. For maximum enjoyment, this series should be read in order.
Wolves of Resurrection Road
Series in the Wolves of World
Wolves of Walker County
Wolves of Royal Paynes
Demon of Royal Paynes
Wolves of Resurrection Road
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Camel always gets what he wants. Except now, the one thing he wants is the one thing he can’t have. His first pack taught him that anything could be taken away if he wasn’t willing to fight for it. Like his pack brothers, he has a soulmate out in the universe waiting for him, and though Camel knows finding that person will help his pack save the world, he can’t stop fighting for a man more attracted to trouble than he is.
Fulton has a dangerous secret, one he’s tried to ignore for too long. He’s already put his family in danger and it’s time he faces the dark destiny that awaits him. He has so many regrets, but none as powerful as the day he met Camel. The alpha’s kisses are torture and his touches are a poison that make Fulton want what doesn’t belong to him.
Fulton is jealous of a man he hasn’t met, a man he’ll never meet if he dies attempting to take back his future. Camel should be off looking for that man, but the arrogant shifter won’t let Fulton out of his sight, forcing Fulton to fight not just his demons, but his own heart.
Envy is the fourth and final book in the Wolves of Resurrection Road series. It is an action-packed, unrestrained romance in a world of wolf shifters, angels, demons, and mpreg like you’ve never seen before. For maximum enjoyment, this series should be read in order.
Wolves of Resurrection Road
Series in the Wolves of World
Wolves of Walker County
Wolves of Royal Paynes
Demon of Royal Paynes
Wolves of Resurrection Road
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Used availability for Kiki Burrelli's Envy
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