Strange Legacy (1968)
Claudia's Secret (1969)
The Mockingbird Tree (1971)
The Mysterious Grotto (1973)
Giants in the Wings (1974)
The House of the Golden Dogs (1974)
Midsummer Eve (1974)
The Pink Camellia (1974)
Dangerous Paradise (1975)
The House of the Sphinx (1975)
The House of the Evening Star (1976)
My Heart Has Its Love (1977)
Love Is the Answer (1978)
Midsummer Bride (1980)
Island Lovesong (1980)
Magic Island (1984)
Love's Sweet Echo (1986)
Dark Cliffs (1988)
The Night of the Feathered Serpent (1988)
Legend of Love (1988)
South Sea Serenade (1990)
The Moonshell (1990)
Lucia Bride (1991)
Sing Me a Love Song (1992)
Second Spring (1992)
Return to Paradise Island (1993)
House of Dreams (1994)
Claudia's Secret (1969)
The Mockingbird Tree (1971)
The Mysterious Grotto (1973)
Giants in the Wings (1974)
The House of the Golden Dogs (1974)
Midsummer Eve (1974)
The Pink Camellia (1974)
Dangerous Paradise (1975)
The House of the Sphinx (1975)
The House of the Evening Star (1976)
My Heart Has Its Love (1977)
Love Is the Answer (1978)
Midsummer Bride (1980)
Island Lovesong (1980)
Magic Island (1984)
Love's Sweet Echo (1986)
Dark Cliffs (1988)
The Night of the Feathered Serpent (1988)
Legend of Love (1988)
South Sea Serenade (1990)
The Moonshell (1990)
Lucia Bride (1991)
Sing Me a Love Song (1992)
Second Spring (1992)
Return to Paradise Island (1993)
House of Dreams (1994)
Omnibus editions show