PINT-SIZED, PRETTY... Small as she is, Abby Parker holds her head high andher shoulders square. A real lady isn't supposed to throw a knife, swearlike a sailor, or come-to Colorado alone--Abby does all three. She issearching for her missing traveling-salesman uncle, and a little thing likepropriety isn't going to stop her as she arrives in Dangling Rope (pop.12--if you don't count the buzzards). AND PURE TROUBLE. Tracing her uncle'sroute, Abby takes his stock of cosmetic preparations and becomes a peddlertoo. The trail ends in this mining town, and a whirlwind of feelings begin.Causing a riot at the bawdy house, and cajoling warpaint recipes from theIndians, she is the wild, new woman of the Old West, tempting the sheriff tothrow her in jail--or into his bed. Now desire and danger are like a powderkeg in Dangling Rope--and this intrepid traveling lady is the explosiveflame....
Genre: Historical Romance
Genre: Historical Romance
Used availability for Margaret Brownley's Touch of Lace
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