What would you do if you inherited billions from a total stranger?
Anne Huang never cared to call anywhere home. But her carefree lifestyle of blogging and travel is interrupted when a stranger with ties to her family bequeaths her a fortune. And with no knowledge of her history, she soon finds herself thrown in with a nest of billionaire vipers determined to lock away their skeletons.
Confronted by jealous rivals, Anne battles distrust and hidden agendas as she tries to understand more about her birthright and learns the value of love.
Seventeen-year-old Rose Chens quiet life is shattered when shes dragged from Taiwan and forced to immigrate to the U.S. Her nightmare continues when she arrives in San Francisco, only to be shipped off by her parents to serve in a wealthy Americans household. But her dutiful-daughter status soon comes under threat when her risky friendship with her white employers son transforms into something taboo.
As Rose wrestles with her complicated feelings in a private journal, she unwittingly leaves a stunning legacy to a granddaughter shell never know
Can their lives come full circle to close one door and open another?
Forbidden Blossom is the heartfelt first book in the Skyline Mansion family saga. If you like soul-searching heroines, paths to self-discovery, and stories of perseverance and inner strength, then youll adore this generation-spanning tale.
Genre: General Fiction
Anne Huang never cared to call anywhere home. But her carefree lifestyle of blogging and travel is interrupted when a stranger with ties to her family bequeaths her a fortune. And with no knowledge of her history, she soon finds herself thrown in with a nest of billionaire vipers determined to lock away their skeletons.
Confronted by jealous rivals, Anne battles distrust and hidden agendas as she tries to understand more about her birthright and learns the value of love.
Seventeen-year-old Rose Chens quiet life is shattered when shes dragged from Taiwan and forced to immigrate to the U.S. Her nightmare continues when she arrives in San Francisco, only to be shipped off by her parents to serve in a wealthy Americans household. But her dutiful-daughter status soon comes under threat when her risky friendship with her white employers son transforms into something taboo.
As Rose wrestles with her complicated feelings in a private journal, she unwittingly leaves a stunning legacy to a granddaughter shell never know
Can their lives come full circle to close one door and open another?
Forbidden Blossom is the heartfelt first book in the Skyline Mansion family saga. If you like soul-searching heroines, paths to self-discovery, and stories of perseverance and inner strength, then youll adore this generation-spanning tale.
Genre: General Fiction
Used availability for Nola Li Barr's Forbidden Blossom