Ann Nolan Clark's picture
3 books added

Ann Nolan Clark

USA flag (1896 - 1995)

Ann Nolan Clark, born Anna Marie Nolan, was an American writer who won the 1953 Newbery Medal.

   Who Wants to Be a Prairie Dog? (1940)
   In My Mother's House (1941)
   The Slim Butte Raccoon (1942)
   About the Grass Mountain Mouse (1943)
   The Hen of Wahpeton (1943)
   Little Navajo Blue (1943)
   Little Navajo Bluebird (1943)
   Sun Journey (1945)
   Singing Sioux Cowboy (1947)
   Magic Money (1950)
   Little Navajo Herder (1951)
   The Secret Of The Andes (1952)
   Blue Canyon Horse (1954)
   Santiago (1955)
   Third Monkey (1956)
   A Santo for Pasqual (1959)
   World Song (1960)
   The Desert People (1962)
   Paco Miracle (1962)
   Father Kino: Priest to the Pimas (1963)
   A Keepsake (1963)
   Medicine Man's Daughter (1963)
   Tia Maria's Garden (1963)
   Bear Cub (1965)
   Brother Andre of Montreal (1967)
   Summer Is for Growing (1968)
   Along a Sandy Trail (1969)
   Journey (1969)
   Journey to the People (1969)
   Hoofprint On the Wind (1972)
   Year Walk (1975)
   All This Wild Land (1976)
   To Stand Against the Wind (1978)
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