Synopsis: One actress plays three women drawn together in the grim aftermath of a high school shooting - the mother of the shooter (staph infection), one of the shooter's victims (early release), and the mother of that victim (keynote speaker). It is a deep exploration of the lives of three women that, according to SEE Magazine "... will leave you wringing your hands in helpless empathy." "Ripped me into little tiny shreds, but I would see it again and again." - Time Out New York (CRITICS PICK) "A truly amazing evening of storytelling that is equal parts brilliant writing and powerful performance... "Commencement" looks into the heart of tragedy and stabs it." - (CRITICS PICK) "Wow. This is what theater is all about." - Canadian Broadcasting Company (5 out of 5 stars) (Best of Fest) "Commencement is strong stuff and frequently moving." - Stage Directions Magazine
Used availability for Clay McLeod Chapman's Commencement
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