39, single, successful and blessedly childfree, Amy Jones had no desire for motherhood until a series of unexpected events set her biological clock ticking...ticking doubletime. Amy's life is just fine. Perfect, even. She has made a success of her business, she lives alone in an expensive flat in Docklands, with no one to tie her down but her dog, Germaine. And she has a dog-walker anyway. Until Germaine dies - beneath the wheels of Amy's own car - and a newborn baby is abandoned on her doorstep. Forced to re-address her priorities, Amy embarks on a mission to get pregnant before her 40th birthday and without any relationship complications. And so the dates begin...There's the Mensa man, the bike courier, the male nanny and many more on a monthly basis. And all the while, there's Joe, the good-looking doctor she meets on bringing the baby to the hospital, with the wedding ring and the horrible twins in tow. This work is a refreshing social comedy by the writer, actress and comedian, Jackie Clune currently touring in Mamma Mia!
Genre: General Fiction
Genre: General Fiction
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