This is the story about Samantha Brown, our main character...and our future star of the show. Her mother was shot by her father when she was just a toddler. Although she has no memory of it, as most chaotic urban storylines are, she runs into that same man years later as an adult who immediately recognizes her as his daughter and the only surviving witness to her mother's murder. He, Frank Godfrey is apart of the biggest families running the music, entertainment companies in Atlanta. He's known on and off the streets as the one you don't want to get into it with. Along with his toxic wife, and two dysfunctional daughters...Sam's world turns upside down one night when she decides to go to a party and immerse herself in the only living family she has left. Fun little urban fiction tale that involves, shootings, drugs, one of the characters up and joins a cult at the end. There's even a no nonsense detective who talks to his deceased wife in his mind. Let's follow their lives as we navigate Atlanta through the lens of our newest Daughters of Atlanta.
Genre: Urban Fiction
Genre: Urban Fiction
Used availability for Desiree's The Truth About the Godfreys