Now a major motion picture.
Adventure? Yes, more than one! Derring-do? Yes! Storms? Sea monsters? Rival pirates? Of course! Cameos by frequently anachronistic historical figures? You betcha! All that and more.
Not since Moby-Dick.... No, not since Treasure Island.... Actually, not since Jonah and the Whale has there been a group of seafarers to rival The Pirates! and their leader, the greatest ocean-faring hero of all time, the immortal Pirate Captain, who, although he lives for months at a time on the bounding main, somehow manages to keep his beard silky and in good condition.
Genre: Thriller
Adventure? Yes, more than one! Derring-do? Yes! Storms? Sea monsters? Rival pirates? Of course! Cameos by frequently anachronistic historical figures? You betcha! All that and more.
Not since Moby-Dick.... No, not since Treasure Island.... Actually, not since Jonah and the Whale has there been a group of seafarers to rival The Pirates! and their leader, the greatest ocean-faring hero of all time, the immortal Pirate Captain, who, although he lives for months at a time on the bounding main, somehow manages to keep his beard silky and in good condition.
Genre: Thriller
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