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720 books added

Sara Douglass

Australia (1957 - 2011)

Sara Douglass was born in Penola, a small farming settlement in the south of Australia, in 1957. She spent her early years chasing (and being chased by) sheep and collecting snakes before her parents transported her to the city of Adelaideand the more genteel surroundings of Methodist Ladies College. Having graduated, Sara then became a nurse on her parents' urging (it was both feminine and genteel) and spent seventeen years planning and then effecting her escape.

That escape came in the form of a Ph.D. in early modern English history. Sara and nursing finally parted company after a lengthy time of bare tolerance, and she took up a position as senior lecturer in medieval European history at the Bendigo campus of the Victorian University of La Trobe. Finding the departmental politics of academic life as intolerable as the emotional rigours of nursing, Sara needed to find another escape.

This took the form of one of Sara's childhood loves - books and writing. Spending some years practising writing novels, HarperCollins Australia picked up one of Sara's novels, BattleAxe (published in North America as The Wayfarer Redemption), the first in the Tencendor series, and chose it as the lead book in their new fantasy line with immediate success. Since 1995 Sara has become Australia's leading fantasy author and one of its top novelists. Her books are now sold around the world.

In 2008, Sara was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. She underwent treatment, but in late 2010 the cancer returned. She died on 27 September 2011, aged 54.

Genres: Fantasy
   1. The Wayfarer Redemption (1996)

     aka Battleaxe

   2. Enchanter (1996)
   3. StarMan (1996)
Wayfarer Redemption
   1. The Wayfarer Redemption (1996)

     aka Battleaxe

   2. Enchanter (1996)
   3. StarMan (1996)
   4. Sinner (1997)
   5. Pilgrim (1998)
   6. Crusader (1999)
The Crucible
   1. The Nameless Day (2000)
   2. The Wounded Hawk (2001)
   3. The Crippled Angel (2001)
Troy Game
   1. Hades' Daughter (2002)
   2. Gods' Concubine (2004)
   3. Darkwitch Rising (2005)
   4. Druids' Sword (2006)
Darkglass Mountains
   1. The Serpent Bride (2007)
   2. The Twisted Citadel (2008)
   3. The Infinity Gate (2010)
   Beyond the Hanging Wall (1997)
   Threshold (1997)
   The Devil's Diadem (2011)
Non fiction show
Books containing stories by Sara Douglass
The Year's Best Australian Fantasy and Horror 2011 (2015)
(Year's Best Australian Fantasy and Horror, book 2)
edited by
Liz Grzyb and Talie Helene
Dreaming Again (2008)
Thirty-five New Stories Celebrating the Wild Side of Australian Fiction
(Dreaming Down-Under, book 2)
edited by
Jack Dann
Gathering the Bones (2003)
Original Stories from the World's Masters of Horror
edited by
Ramsey Campbell, Jack Dann and Dennis Etchison

More books 

2001 Aurealis Award for Best Fantasy Novel : The Wounded Hawk

Award nominations
2005 Aurealis Award for Best Fantasy Novel (nominee) : Darkwitch Rising
2002 Aurealis Award for Best Fantasy Novel (nominee) : Hades' Daughter
2002 Aurealis Award for Best Fantasy Novel (nominee) : The Crippled Angel
2000 Aurealis Award for Best Fantasy Novel (nominee) : The Nameless Day
1999 Ditmar Award for Best Short Story (nominee) : The Evil Within
1999 Ditmar Award for Best Novel (nominee) : Pilgrim
1999 Aurealis Award for Best Fantasy Novel (nominee) : Crusader
1998 Ditmar Award for Best Novel (nominee) : Sinner
1998 Aurealis Award for Best Fantasy Novel (nominee) : Pilgrim
1997 Aurealis Award for Best Fantasy Novel (nominee) : Sinner
1996 Aurealis Award for Best Fantasy Short Story (nominee) : Of Fingers and Foreskins
1996 Aurealis Award for Best Fantasy Novel (nominee) : StarMan
1996 Aurealis Award for Best Fantasy Novel (nominee) : Enchanter
1995 Aurealis Award for Best Fantasy Novel (nominee) : The Wayfarer Redemption

Sara Douglass recommends
The Fall of Ossard (2009)
(Lae Ossard, book 1)
Colin Taber
"I stayed up all night!"
The Well of Shades (2006)
(Bridei Chronicles, book 3)
Juliet Marillier
"Juliet Marillier is among the most skilled of fantasy writers."
Bonds of Vengeance (2005)
(Winds of the Forelands, book 3)
David B Coe
"Strong, complex, and emotionally very, very powerful."

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