Paris in 1815 with Napoleon marching on the city is no place for an English lord—but JULES CHETWYND, LORD SANDAL is on an errand to secure the famed Regent Diamond for the French King. Except the courier carrying it has vanished. Jules' only help now is an actress—an illusionist called Madame de Mystére, otherwise known as SIMONE RAUCOURT. He doesn’t trust the woman, but that changes as he comes to rely on her help to find the diamond, and must aide her in finding her missing brother. However, he doesn't count on an attraction to her that stirs old memories—and leaves him becoming bewitched by Madame de Mystére.
Fear for her brother has Simone needing aid, but she did not expect to join forces with an English aristo. Only this past year did she and her brother discover that the dreaded head of the secret police, Joseph Fouché, once ordered the death of their parents, and now her brother has a scheme to extract revenge. For that, he needs the Regent Diamond as bait. But what has become of her brother and the diamond? Simone knows it will take more than slight of hand to survive the dangers—and to enchant the English lord who is quickly becoming too attractive to resist.
Genre: Historical Romance
Fear for her brother has Simone needing aid, but she did not expect to join forces with an English aristo. Only this past year did she and her brother discover that the dreaded head of the secret police, Joseph Fouché, once ordered the death of their parents, and now her brother has a scheme to extract revenge. For that, he needs the Regent Diamond as bait. But what has become of her brother and the diamond? Simone knows it will take more than slight of hand to survive the dangers—and to enchant the English lord who is quickly becoming too attractive to resist.
Genre: Historical Romance
Used availability for Shannon Donnelly's Lady Lost
Genre Pages