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103 books added

Amy Ewing

Amy Ewing grew up in a small town outside Boston, where her librarian mother instilled a deep love of reading at a young age. Amy moved to New York City in 2000 to study theater at New York University. Unfortunately, her acting career didnt quite pan out. She worked in restaurants, as an administrative assistant, a nanny, and a sales representative for a wine distributor before the lack of creativity in her life drove her to begin writing. Amy received her MFA in Creative Writing for Children from The New School, where she was lucky enough to meet a fabulous community of YA writers who keep her sane on a daily basis. She lives in Harlem, where she spends her days writing, eating cheese, and occasionally binge watching The Vampire Diaries

Genres: Young Adult Fantasy
New and upcoming books
June 2024

Worth a Shot
Lone City
   1. The Jewel (2014)
   1.5. The House of the Stone (2015)
   2. The White Rose (2015)
   Garnet's Story (2016)
   3. The Black Key (2016)
   Lucien's Story (2022)
   1. The Cerulean (2019)
   2. The Alcazar (2020)
   The Irish Goodbye (2024)
   Worth a Shot (2024)
Amy Ewing recommends
How to Dance (2024)
Jason B Dutton
"How to Dance is an absolute delight! Jason B. Dutton delivers a refreshing take on love, disability, and self-acceptance. I had a smile on my face the whole time I was reading - Nick and Hayley's connection sizzled with wit, tension, and depth. This heartwarming romance hit all the right notes and stayed with me long after I turned the final page!"
The Bright & the Pale (2021)
(Bright & the Pale, book 1)
Jessica Rubinkowski
"The Bright & the Pale is an action-packed adventure set in a richly detailed world where you never know who to trust and the twists keep coming! I was riveted right up until the final startling page."
Spindle Fire (2017)
(Spindle Fire, book 1)
Lexa Hillyer
"With its engaging heroines and delicious prose, Spindle Fire pulled me into a richly detailed world full of intrigue and magic. Lexa Hillyer has created a refreshing take on a classic tale, one that traps you in its spell and doesn't let go."

More recommendations 

Books containing stories by Amy Ewing
Dear Heartbreak (2018)
YA Authors and Teens on the Dark Side of Love
edited by
Heather Demetrios

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