Modern Magick
1 The Road to Farringale (2017)
2 Toil and Trouble (2017)
3 The Striding Spire (2018)
4 The Fifth Britain (2018)
5 Royalty and Ruin (2018)
6 Music and Misadventure (2018)
7 The Wonders of Vale (2018)
8 The Heart of Hyndorin (2019)
9 Alchemy and Argent (2019)
10 The Magick of Merlin (2019)
11 Dancing and Disaster (2022)
12 The Fate of Farringale (2023)
2 Toil and Trouble (2017)
3 The Striding Spire (2018)
4 The Fifth Britain (2018)
5 Royalty and Ruin (2018)
6 Music and Misadventure (2018)
7 The Wonders of Vale (2018)
8 The Heart of Hyndorin (2019)
9 Alchemy and Argent (2019)
10 The Magick of Merlin (2019)
11 Dancing and Disaster (2022)
12 The Fate of Farringale (2023)
Omnibus editions
Modern Magick, Volume 1: Books 1-3 (2019)
Modern Magick, Volume 2: Books 4-6 (2020)
Modern Magick, Volume 3: Books 7-9 (2020)
Modern Magick, Volume 4: Books 10-12 (2023)
Modern Magick, Volume 2: Books 4-6 (2020)
Modern Magick, Volume 3: Books 7-9 (2020)
Modern Magick, Volume 4: Books 10-12 (2023)