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657 books added

Harlan Ellison

(Harlan Jay Ellison)
USA flag (1934 - 2018)

aka Paul Merchant

As well as acting as sf advisor on important sf series like Babylon 5, and writing memorable episodes of Star Trek and The Twilight Zone, Harlan Ellison had a distinguished career in science fiction and fantasy both as editor and as short story writer. His two anthologies Dangerous Visions and Again, Dangerous Visions--a projected third has never appeared--were crucial to the American New Wave by providing a market in which it was possible to say things about sex and politics, and in ways that varied from stylised fabulism to the radically deranged, that could not be said in the SF magazines of the 1960s. His own idiosyncratic short stories were true to the same aesthetic values as his editing--absolute emotional honesty conveyed by any means necessary. Some of them deal with stock sf themes like the mad computer that tortures throughout eternity the last survivors of humanity--'I have no mouth and I must scream'--or dystopia--'Repent, Harlequin, said the Ticktock Man'; other dramatize philosophical themes like the Death of God--'Deathbird'; while others engage semi-confessionally with the dilemmas of the contemporary male writer--'All the Lies that are My Life.'

Awards: Nebula (2010), Stoker (1996), WFA (1993), Edgar (1988)  see all

Genres: Science Fiction, Horror, Mystery
   Web of the City (1958)
     aka Rumble
   The Man with Nine Lives (1959)
     aka The Sound of a Scythe
   A Touch of Infinity (1959)
   Spider Kiss (1961)
     aka Rockabilly
   Doomsman (1967)
     aka The Assassin
   Phoenix without Ashes (1975) (with Edward Bryant)
   The Deadly Streets (1958)
   Sex Gang (1959) (as by Paul Merchant)
   Children of the Streets (1961)
     aka The Juvies
   Gentleman Junkie (1961)
   Ellison Wonderland (1962)
     aka Earthman, Go Home!
   Paingod and Other Delusions (1965)
   From the Land of Fear (1967)
   I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream (1967)
   Love Ain't Nothing But Sex Misspelled (1968)
   The Beast That Shouted Love at the Heart of the World (1969)
   Over the Edge (1970)
   The Time of the Eye (1971)
   Alone Against Tomorrow (1972)
   All the Sounds of Fear (1973)
   Approaching Oblivion (1974)
   The Voice From the Edge (1975)
   Deathbird Stories (1975)
   No Doors, No Windows (1975)
   Edgeworks (1976)
   The Illustrated Harlan Ellison (1977)
   Strange Wine (1978)
   The Fantasies of Harlan Ellison (1979)
   Edgeworks 2 (1980)
   Shatterday (1980)
   Stalking the Nightmare (1982)
   The Essential Ellison: A 35 Year Retrospective (1985)
   Mefisto in Onyx (1987)
   Night and the Enemy (1987)
   Slippage (1988)
   Angry Candy (1988)
   Dreams with Sharp Teeth (1989)
   Mind Fields (1989)
   Footsteps (1989)
   Harlan Ellison's Dream Corridor (1996)
   Edgeworks 3 (1997)
   Edgeworks 4 (1997)
   The Essential Ellison: A 50 Year Retrospective (2000)
   Troublemakers (2001)
   The Phantom Chronicles Volume 2 (2010) (with Robin Wayne Bailey and Ed Gorman)
   Resistance Front Volume 1 (2012) (with others)
   Getting In The Wind (2012)
   Brain Movies (2013)
   Honorable Whoredom at a Penny a Word (2013)
   Rough Beasts (2013)
   The Sound of a Scythe and 3 Brilliant Novellas (2013)
   8 in 80 by Ellison (2014)
   Again, Honorable Whoredom at a Penny a Word (2014)
   The Top of the Volcano (2014)
   Can & Can'tankerous (2015)
   Dimensions of Harlan Ellison (2019)
   The Ellison Treatment (2019)
   The Ephemeral Ellison (2019)
   Greatest Hits (2024)
   Glow Worm And Four More Stories (2024)
Novellas and Short Stories
thumbthumbno image availablethumb
Anthologies edited
   Partners in Wonder (1971)
   Medea (1985)
Anthology series
Books containing stories by Harlan Ellison
Black Cat Weekly #145 (2024)
(Black Cat Weekly, book 145)
Black Cat Weekly #144 (2024)
(Black Cat Weekly, book 144)
Black Cat Weekly #140 (2024)
(Black Cat Weekly, book 140)

More books 

2010 Nebula Award for Best Short Story : How Interesting: A Tiny Man
2006 Damon Knight Memorial Grand Master Award
1998 Locus Award for Best Collection : Slippage
1996 Bram Stoker Award for Lifetime Achievement
1995 Bram Stoker Award for Superior Achievement in Short Fiction : Chatting with Anubis
1994 Locus Award for Best Novella : Mefisto in Onyx
1993 World Fantasy Award for Lifetime Achievement
1993 Bram Stoker Award for Superior Achievement in Long Fiction : Mefisto In Onyx [short story]
1989 World Fantasy Award for Best Collection : Angry Candy
1989 Locus Award for Best Collection : Angry Candy
1988 Edgar Award for Best Short Story : Soft Monkey
1987 Bram Stoker Award for Superior Achievement in a Fiction Collection : The Essential Ellison: A 35 Year Retrospective
1986 Locus Award for Best Anthology : Medea: Harlan's World
1986 Hugo Award for Best Novelette : Paladin of the Lost Hour
1979 British Fantasy Award for Best Short Story : Jeffty is Five
1978 Hugo Award for Best Short Story : Jeffty is Five
1977 Nebula Award for Best Short Story : Jeffty is Five
1975 Hugo Award for Best Novelette : Adrift Just Off the Islets of Langerhans
1974 Hugo Award for Best Novelette : The Deathbird
1974 Edgar Award for Best Short Story : The Whimper of Whipped Dogs
1969 Nebula Award for Best Novella : A Boy and His Dog
1969 Hugo Award for Best Short Story : The Beast That Shouted Love at the Heart of the World [short story]
1968 Hugo Award for Best Short Story : I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream [short story]
1966 Hugo Award for Best Short Story : Repent, Harlequin! Said the Ticktockman [ss]
1965 Nebula Award for Best Short Story : Repent, Harlequin! Said the Ticktockman [ss]

Award nominations
2003 Nebula Award for Best Short Story (nominee) : Good-Bye to All That
2002 World Fantasy Award for Best Collection (nominee) : The Essential Ellison: A 50 Year Retrospective
2001 Bram Stoker Award for Superior Achievement in Long Fiction (nominee) : From A to Z, in the Sarsaparilla Alphabet
1994 World Fantasy Award for Best Novella (nominee) : Mefisto In Onyx [short story]
1994 Nebula Award for Best Novella (nominee) : Mefisto In Onyx [short story]
1994 Hugo Award for Best Novella (nominee) : Mefisto In Onyx [short story]
1994 Edgar Award for Best Short Story (nominee) : Mefisto in Onyx
1993 Nebula Award for Best Short Story (nominee) : The Man Who Rowed Christopher Columbus Ashore
1989 Hugo Award for Best Novelette (nominee) : The Function of Dream Sleep
1989 Bram Stoker Award for Best Novelette (nominee) : The Function of Dream Sleep
1988 Locus Award for Best Collection (nominee) : The Essential Ellison: A 35 Year Retrospective
1988 Bram Stoker Award for Superior Achievement in a Fiction Collection (nominee) : Angry Candy
1988 Bram Stoker Award for Superior Achievement in Short Fiction (nominee) : She's a Young Thing and Cannot Leave Her Mother
1988 Bram Stoker Award for Superior Achievement in Long Fiction (nominee) : The Function of Dream Sleep
1988 Anthony Award for Best Short Story (nominee) : Soft Monkey
1985 Nebula Award for Best Novelette (nominee) : Paladin of the Lost Hour
1983 Locus Award for Best Collection (nominee) : Stalking the Nightmare
1981 World Fantasy Award for Best Collection (nominee) : Shatterday
1981 Locus Award for Best Novella (nominee) : All the Lies That Are My Life
1981 Locus Award for Best Collection (nominee) : Shatterday
1981 Hugo Award for Best Novella (nominee) : All the Lies That Are My Life [short story]
1979 Locus Award for Best Collection (nominee) : Strange Wine
1979 Hugo Award for Best Short Story (nominee) : Count the Clock That Tells the Time
1978 World Fantasy Award for Best Short Story (nominee) : Jeffty is Five
1976 World Fantasy Award for Best Collection (nominee) : Deathbird Stories
1976 Hugo Award for Best Short Story (nominee) : Croatoan
1975 Nebula Award for Best Short Story (nominee) : Shatterday [short story]
1973 Nebula Award for Best Novelette (nominee) : The Deathbird
1973 Locus Award for Best Anthology (nominee) : Again, Dangerous Visions
1973 Hugo Award for Best Novelette (nominee) : Basilisk
1972 Nebula Award for Best Short Story (nominee) : On the Downhill Side
1972 Nebula Award for Best Novelette (nominee) : Basilisk
1971 Hugo Award for Best Short Story (nominee) : Brillo
1971 Hugo Award for Best Novella (nominee) : The Region Between
1970 Nebula Award for Best Novella (nominee) : The Region Between
1970 Hugo Award for Best Novella (nominee) : A Boy and His Dog
1969 Nebula Award for Best Short Story (nominee) : Shattered Like a Glass Goblin
1968 Hugo Award for Best Novelette (nominee) : Pretty Maggie Moneyeyes
1967 Nebula Award for Best Novelette (nominee) : Pretty Maggie Moneyeyes
1967 Hugo Award for Best Short Story (nominee) : Delusion for a Dragon Slayer

Harlan Ellison recommends
Lost Among the Stars (2017)
Paul Di Filippo
"Di Filippo is like gourmet potato chips to me. I can never eat just one of his stories."
The Man on the Ceiling (2008)
Melanie Tem and Steve Rasnic Tem
"I have only two words for the Tem's Man on the Ceiling: Exquisitely Compelling."
Spaceman Blues (2007)
Brian Francis Slattery
"What a breathless, mad, tornado of words! When it shakes itself awake the earth trembles and the helpless reader is dragged gladly into its light. I haven't had this much fun with a book in years."

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