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39 books added

J W Elliot

J W Elliot is a twenty-nine-year-old stuck in an older man’s body. He loves to paddle his canoe, shoot his handmade longbows in the woods, make knives, study martial arts, and generally enjoys challenging himself. When not teaching or writing about the real past, he is imagining worlds and histories that might have been, should have been, or may yet be.

James has two homes (though only one house)--the mountains of Idaho and the forests of New England--where he canoes, hikes, camps, rock climbs, and shoots the longbows he makes himself. He lives in Massachusetts with his wife. ​

James is a professional historian whose published works include two histories of the Inquisition, a documentary history of Columbus's first voyage, a transcription of a colonial era account book from Weymouth, Massachusetts, and a global history of piracy. This means that he is a professional teller of stories, both real and imagined.

James's favorite author is J.R.R. Tolkien, though he will never be able to watch the Peter Jackson Hobbit films again. The first viewing nearly gave him a fit. He loves The Giver and The Book Thief. He has read all the Hunger Games novels, but thinks Katniss should have ended up with Gale. (Sorry Peeta fans.) He enjoys Harry Potter, and thinks magic should be real--so long as he owns the Elder Wand.

Archer of the Heathland
   0.5. Intrigue (2017)
   1. Deliverance (2017)
   2. Betrayal (2018)
   3. Vengeance (2018)
   4. Chronicles (2019)
   5. Windemere (2019)
   6. Renegade (2020)
   7. Archer of the Heathland (2020)
Worlds of Light
   0.5. The Purge (2022)
   1. The Cleansing (2020)
   2. The Rending (2020)
   3. The Unmaking (2020)
Ark Project
   0.5. The Harvest (2021)
   1. The Clone Paradox (2021)
   2. The Covenant Protocol (2021)
Heirs of Anarwyn
   0.5. The Ruin of Goldereth (2022)
   1. Torn (2022)
   2. Undead (2022)
   3. Shattered (2023)
   4. Feral (2023)
Novellas and Short Stories
   Recalibration (2019)

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