Life On Another Planet, also known as Signal from Space, is a science fiction graphic novel by Will Eisner dealing with the social and political consequences of a first contact with an extraterrestrial civilization. It was first serialized in The Spirit and later collected into a single volume. " This was ... an attempt to produce a graphic novel that was constructed in the same structure as a classic literary work. By taking what would be a science-fiction plot and treating it from a more humanistic viewpoint, I hoped to come up with a book that would deserve adult interest. " -Will Eisner Life on Another Planet has been called by James Morrow, "a kind of science fictional Bonfire of the Vanities." The overall tone is pessimistic, the whole plot turning around the greed of the various characters and the struggle between their conflicting interests. Despite the title, the novel is indeed thin on science fiction, the signal from space being more of a MacGuffin to ignite the story. Eisner himself declared that he has never been enthusiastic about science fiction, but "wanted to prove that it could work as a graphic novel."
Genre: Science Fiction
Genre: Science Fiction
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