It may be--I'm not sure, replied Mr. Pawle. "As I say, I don't know how the succession runs in, this particular instance. There are, as you are aware, several peeresses in their own rights--twentyfour or five, at least. Some are very ancient peerages. I know that three--Furnivale and Fauconberg and Conyers--go right back to the thirteenth century; three others--Beaumont, Darcy da Knayth, and Zorch of Haryngworth--date from the fourteenth. I'm not sure of this Ellingham peerage--but I'll find out when I get back to my office. However, granting the premises, and if the peerage does continue in the female line, it will be as I say--this girl's the rightful holder of the title!
Genre: Mystery
Genre: Mystery
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