Sheila Forsey is intrigued by the 1950's. Her writing is inspired by the Irish people who emigrated to London, New York and other parts of the world. But what she finds most poignant are the emigrants who never walked on Irish soil again. The haunting landscape of Ireland provides a sense of place with its mystical mountains, rivers and lakes. Beautiful crumbly old houses tend to feature in her writing as she believes that within their walls lie many secrets. Her writing is described as deeply emotional and descriptive as she brings the reader on a soul stirring journey.
Mending Lace (2017)
Kilbride House (2019)
The Secret of Eveline House (2020)
The Lake House at Lenashee (2021)
Kilbride House (2019)
The Secret of Eveline House (2020)
The Lake House at Lenashee (2021)
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