Ursula Fleet is a pen name for three fated besties—all lifelong readers—who are writing together for the first time!
When we came up with a crazy idea for a RH series of twelve guys… well, we instantly looked at each other and KNEW we had to do it together. We’ve been working hard and having a blast since then, and we hope you love our Fated Zodiac Mates as much as we do!
M is the Scorpio who loves to write the naughty parts! (Also: overachieving, tentacles, and some things we’re not legally allowed to repeat.)T is the Aquarius who enjoys bringing you the dangerous parts! (Also: daydreaming, rebellion, and listening to people talk about their passions.)And J is the Taurus who sprinkles in the love that binds it all together! (Also: cheese, pizza, cheese pizza, hugging friends, and sharing said cheese pizza with said friends.)
My Fated Zodiac Harem
1. Crash Course (2022)
2. By The Horns (2022)
3. Double Trouble (2022)
4. Claws of Destiny (2022)
5. The Lion's Share (2022)
1. Crash Course (2022)
2. By The Horns (2022)
3. Double Trouble (2022)
4. Claws of Destiny (2022)
5. The Lion's Share (2022)
Genre Pages