book cover of By Royal Decree

By Royal Decree

(The fifth book in the Order of the Rose series)
A novel by

The Order of the Rose has overcome several plots and recovered Roses stolen by their enemy.
But the Sons of Scion, especially the Guise in France, are not deterred and continue their plots.
As the Branch of England and Wales grow stronger and develop their own traditions in three centers, Root Anna and Shield Owain are in London as much as they are in York and Berwyn. His training complete, Miles returns from Rouen to take his place as Protector to Heir Harry. Leaving his heart behind.
Then a plot strikes deep into the English court and Anna's worst nightmare unfolds.
In France, Raoul of Normandy and Bernard of Gascony sense the Catholic court of the king turning against them as Huguenot barons. Yet few will listen to their warnings.
Then invitations to a royal wedding between Princess Margot and Henry of Navarre arrive. Knowing it's a trap, the Roots have no choice but to enter it.

Genre: Historical Romance

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