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K L Going

(Kelly Louise Going)
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K. L. Going lives in Glen Spey, NY. Since graduating college she has worked as an adult literacy tutor, a ticket agent for an airline, a front desk clerk at a resort hotel, as an assistant to two agents at a Manhattan Literary agency, and a manager of an independent bookstore.

Currently, she is writing from home full time.

She has lived in Maine, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Louisiana and New York City.

   Fat Kid Rules the World (2003)
   The Liberation of Gabriel King (2005)
   Saint Iggy (2006)
   The Garden of Eve (2007)
   King of the Screwups (2009)
   Cold Black Stone (2010)
   Pieces of Why (2015)
   The Next Great Jane (2020)
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   No Such Thing as the Real World (2009) (with others)
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