The Trail of Magic continues...
As Jeremus Gandy emerges from the Desert of Despair, he sees a field of green and thinks the hardest part of his journey is over. He's wrong, even if he doesn't know it yet.
Free from his captors and with the Book of Magic secured, Jeremus is guided by a map of Augermore and an invisible hand pulling him toward the next Magic he must collect. But he soon learns that his future will be defined by a past he never knew about, and that his role in saving his mother was destined long before he was born.
From the wild jungles of the Wilderynth, to the dangerous streets of Blackford, to the Barbarian Forest - haunted by more than just a race of giants - Jeremus discovers more types of Magic and the dangers they've brought to the kingdom. With the help of Samira and other friends he meets along the way, he ignores the risks and races into trouble, all in the hopes of filling the Book and rescuing his mother.
But will the Book weigh him down as he seeks one dangerous type of Magic after another? Or will the burden of learning who he truly is prevent him from continuing his journey?
Genre: Fantasy
As Jeremus Gandy emerges from the Desert of Despair, he sees a field of green and thinks the hardest part of his journey is over. He's wrong, even if he doesn't know it yet.
Free from his captors and with the Book of Magic secured, Jeremus is guided by a map of Augermore and an invisible hand pulling him toward the next Magic he must collect. But he soon learns that his future will be defined by a past he never knew about, and that his role in saving his mother was destined long before he was born.
From the wild jungles of the Wilderynth, to the dangerous streets of Blackford, to the Barbarian Forest - haunted by more than just a race of giants - Jeremus discovers more types of Magic and the dangers they've brought to the kingdom. With the help of Samira and other friends he meets along the way, he ignores the risks and races into trouble, all in the hopes of filling the Book and rescuing his mother.
But will the Book weigh him down as he seeks one dangerous type of Magic after another? Or will the burden of learning who he truly is prevent him from continuing his journey?
Genre: Fantasy
Used availability for Kevin George's The Wilderynth