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80 books added

Mario Giordano

Italy (b.1966)

Mario Giordano is one of Germany's bestselling thriller and screenplay writers. 1,000 Feelings for Which There Are No Names was born out of an intense bout of writers block.  He lives in Cologne, Germany.

Genres: Mystery
Cotton FBI
   1. The Beginning (2014)
   Cotton FBI Collection (2015) (with Jan Gardemann, Alexander Lohmann and Peter Mennigen)
Auntie Poldi
   1. Auntie Poldi and the Sicilian Lions (2016)
   2. Auntie Poldi and the Fruits of the Lord (2018)

     aka Auntie Poldi and the Vineyards of Etna

   3. Auntie Poldi and the Handsome Antonio (2020)
   4. Auntie Poldi and the Lost Madonna (2021)
Non fiction show
Award nominations
2019 CrimeFest: Last Laugh Award (nominee) : Auntie Poldi and the Fruits of the Lord

Mario Giordano recommends
The Framed Women of Ardemore House (2024)
(Netherleigh Mystery)
Brandy Schillace
"A New York editor on the spectrum clashing with a dogged British detective. Makes for a mystery like an English garden: wild, masterly crafted and full of secrets, beauty and marvels."

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