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13 books added

Peter Gethers

USA flag (b.1955)

aka Russell Andrews

Peter Gethers is the biggest name in publishing youve never heard of, with not just one career but four. Or maybe five. As editor-at-large for Random House, hes presided over big-name books: Stephen Sondheim, Harry Belafonte, and Barbara Walters of late, a bio of Graham Nash next month. Hes written thrillers along with best-selling accounts of Norton, his late, lamented cat. Last year he co-wrote and co-produced the ongoing, off-Broadway hit Old Jews Telling Jokes.

Cat Called Norton
   1. The Cat Who Went to Paris (1991)

     aka A Cat Called Norton

   2. A Cat Abroad (1993)

     aka For the Love of Norton

   3. The Cat Who'll Live Forever (2001)

     aka Forever Norton

   Norton, the Loveable Cat Who Travelled the World (2011)
   The Dandy (1978)
   Getting Blue (1987)
   Ask Bob (2013)
Non fiction show

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