Evaran Chronicles
0.5. The Arrival (2016)
1. The Awakening (2015)
2. The Fredorian Destiny (2015)
3. The Purification (2016)
4. The Time Refugee (2016)
5. The Evaran Origin (2017)
6. The Shadow Connection (2017)
7. The Human Factor (2018)
8. The Cosmic Parallel (2018)
9. The Unification (2019)
10. The Portal Effect (2019)
11. The Time Cube (2020)
12. The Evaran Impact (2021)
13. The Cosmic Artifact (2021)
14. The Cult Of Evaran (2022)
15. The Final Evolution (2023)
0.5. The Arrival (2016)
1. The Awakening (2015)
2. The Fredorian Destiny (2015)
3. The Purification (2016)
4. The Time Refugee (2016)
5. The Evaran Origin (2017)
6. The Shadow Connection (2017)
7. The Human Factor (2018)
8. The Cosmic Parallel (2018)
9. The Unification (2019)
10. The Portal Effect (2019)
11. The Time Cube (2020)
12. The Evaran Impact (2021)
13. The Cosmic Artifact (2021)
14. The Cult Of Evaran (2022)
15. The Final Evolution (2023)
0.5. Freelancing (2018)
1. Earthborn (2018)
2. Biogenesis (2018)
3. Rimworlds (2019)
4. Rogue (2019)
5. Redemption (2020)
0.5. Freelancing (2018)
1. Earthborn (2018)
2. Biogenesis (2018)
3. Rimworlds (2019)
4. Rogue (2019)
5. Redemption (2020)
Inspector Dalton Files
0.5. Transition (2020)
1. Otherworld (2020)
2. Lightville (2021)
3. Greekland (2021)
4. Shadowverse (2022)
The Inspector Dalton Files: Books 0.5-3 (2022)
5. Wildblood (2023)
0.5. Transition (2020)
1. Otherworld (2020)
2. Lightville (2021)
3. Greekland (2021)
4. Shadowverse (2022)
The Inspector Dalton Files: Books 0.5-3 (2022)
5. Wildblood (2023)
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