Elspeth's trials in Theros continue...
In a realm where fickle gods fight for the devotion of mortals, the planeswalker Elspeth has risen to become the champion of the sun god Heliod, who transformed her legendary sword into a spear named "Godsend." As Elspeth defends the city Akros from minotaur hordes, she uncovers a horrible truth: If the machinations of the satyr planeswalker Xenagos come to fruition, he'll ascend to godhood and threaten the entire realm of Theros. Made a pariah by Xenagos, an exiled and hated Elspeth fights for her life. As she hunts Xenagos, Elspeth must attempt to breach Nyx, the realm of night... and the home of the gods.
Genre: Fantasy
In a realm where fickle gods fight for the devotion of mortals, the planeswalker Elspeth has risen to become the champion of the sun god Heliod, who transformed her legendary sword into a spear named "Godsend." As Elspeth defends the city Akros from minotaur hordes, she uncovers a horrible truth: If the machinations of the satyr planeswalker Xenagos come to fruition, he'll ascend to godhood and threaten the entire realm of Theros. Made a pariah by Xenagos, an exiled and hated Elspeth fights for her life. As she hunts Xenagos, Elspeth must attempt to breach Nyx, the realm of night... and the home of the gods.
Genre: Fantasy
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