Taylor Hagen, a brilliant but unassuming engineer, finds himself stranded on the dying planet of Nocera after his ship, The Horizon drift, crashes during a routine mission. Nocera was once a thriving world, but has now been decimated by a relentless species known as the Ravagers. Which as a result led to most of the population going extinct, leaving the land with mostly women and very little men.
When Taylor arrives, he is a breath of fresh aira young, handsome man in a world where such men are nearly extinct. The women of Nocera, starved for intimacy and hope, are immediately drawn to him, not only for his looks but also for his vitality and strength.
As Taylor becomes an unexpected beacon of hope, he soon realizes that his survival is intertwined with the fate of the women who have taken him in. Taylor must decide whether he can repair more than just his shipwhether he can help restore a shattered world on the brink of extinction.
Genre: Science Fiction
When Taylor arrives, he is a breath of fresh aira young, handsome man in a world where such men are nearly extinct. The women of Nocera, starved for intimacy and hope, are immediately drawn to him, not only for his looks but also for his vitality and strength.
As Taylor becomes an unexpected beacon of hope, he soon realizes that his survival is intertwined with the fate of the women who have taken him in. Taylor must decide whether he can repair more than just his shipwhether he can help restore a shattered world on the brink of extinction.
Genre: Science Fiction
Used availability for Jin Holland's Feral Dystopia