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Michelle Hoover

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Michelle Hoover is a full-time instructor at Boston University and has published short stories and novel excerpts in numerous journals, including Prairie Schooner, The Massachusetts Review, StoryQuarterly and Confrontation. She has been the Philip Roth Writer-in-Residence at Bucknell, a MacDowell Fellow, and in 2005 the winner of the PEN/New England Discovery Award for Fiction. Her work has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize and published in Best New American Voices.

   The Quickening (2010)
   Bottomland (2016)
Michelle Hoover recommends
House of Caravans (2023)
Shilpi Suneja
"Straddling two critical time periods of great violence and change on a global scale, Suneja's novel weaves an intimate tale of two brothers - both brimming with regret, prejudice, sweetness and sorrow - as deftly as a spinner with golden thread. I can't even begin to fully convey the complexities of this book - its richness, its tenderness, its intelligence - all in a story that pulls you into Suneja's dreamy imagination. This is a novel that will make you marvel, think, and finally, break your heart."
The House in the Orchard (2022)
Elizabeth Brooks
"Like McEwan's Atonement, Elizabeth Brooks delivers a twisty tale which proves deadly when innocence collides with an antiquated world of manners and class."
Waiting for the Night Song (2021)
Julie Carrick Dalton
"Both a timely and timeless literary mystery, Waiting for the Night Song is as seductive as it is smart, blending the allure of Julie Dalton’s beloved rural New Hampshire setting with the dark undercurrents of a community’s racial divisions and betrayals. This is a story of love, of home, of friendship and family, of a childhood’s innocence and an adult’s comeuppance, all of which are in the line of fire in this beauty of a page turner."

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