book cover of A Killing Night In Fort Worth

A Killing Night In Fort Worth

(Book 53 in the Timber: U.S. Marshal series)
A Novella by

A brand new "Timber" collaboration from Robert Hanlon and Jeff Crawford!

Many are the days that are hot in places like Ft. Worth, but few are the days when it takes effort to just put one foot in front of the other. That is the weather Dewey Platter, or Dew as those who know him well call him, walked into as he stepped from his office to make his normal rounds. Dew Platter is the city marshal in Ft. Worth, and frying pan hot or not, he still had a job to do. It was nearly sundown, but the knowledge brought no hope of the night coming accompanied by more favorable conditions. He dreaded it, but into one of the more popular saloons he stepped. Men fresh off the long drive of pushing cattle to the Ft. Worth holding pens were having a bit too much fun. He had no intention of stopping them from it, just quieting them down a little. But two familiar faces inside made him forget everything else. Before he could clear his pistol from his holster, two shots rang out and Dew was falling to the floor.

With his horse stabled and being cared for, U.S. Marshal Jake Timber sat down at a table in a cantina across the way from where he intended to get a room for the night. Far from the busy center of town, all he wanted was something to eat and some rest before going to see City Marshal Platter in the morning. He knew the man, but not well and not for a long time. They had worked together once for a few days years prior. Now Timber hoped that the man could be of help with information about three wanted men he was after. With everyone in the place so quiet, and waitresses sporadically breaking down in tears, Timber learns that Platter was shot down not an hour before his arrival.

Standing in the doctor's office by the side of Platter, Timber learns who did the shooting and instantly recognizes the names. Something thought long buried has risen from the grave and sought revenge.

Thus begins a long hot night of man hunting through the alleys and shadows of Ft. Worth for Marshal Timber. The men he is hunting had a debt to pay years ago, but now they have tried to kill a lawman. Timber is bound and determined to see that they pay fully what they owe this time. Nothing will save them this time. Never have twelve hours felt like such a long period of time, but with every passing hour, Timber draws just that much closer to finding those who had laid in wait to assassinate. Dawn was coming, and with it their chance at escape and freedom, but Timber will not allow that. He can't. Onward through the night he will seek and hunt until they have received what they have earned.

Genre: Western

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