Sean Hinn is the author of "The Days of Ash and Fury," a fantasy sword-and-sorcery series. Sean is owned by three incorrigible dogs, a loving wife, and three amazing children (adjectives interchangeable). An avid guitarist and classical music lover, Sean has been writing stories and creating original music since before Guns N' Roses posed the existential question, "You know where you are?"
Not wishing to die, Sean currently lives in Fort Worth, Texas - nowhere near any jungles.
Not wishing to die, Sean currently lives in Fort Worth, Texas - nowhere near any jungles.
Days of Ash and Fury
1. Omens of Fury (2016)
2. Tremors of Fury (2017)
3. Spawn of Fury (2018)
4. Descent into Fury (2019)
1. Omens of Fury (2016)
2. Tremors of Fury (2017)
3. Spawn of Fury (2018)
4. Descent into Fury (2019)
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