In this exciting coming of age story, the lives of two boys, separated by several hundred miles, begin to converge and they learn valuable lessons about life and the connections carried from birth. Far inland, Tanner is concerned and frightened by a repeated dream of the sea, increasingly severe headaches and the rage that is beginning to control him. When a hockey trip to the coast presents itself, Tanner believes he will have a chance to solve the mystery of the dream and hopefully find some measure of peace. Meanwhile, Alex is stuck in a small coastal community, with a father he can barely stand and a burning desire to get out, even if that means leaving behind the one person he truly cares for. When he does make it to the big city Alex finds that his problems have only just begun. Faced with a difficult decision, he makes the wrong choice and the situation progresses rapidly from bad to worse.
Genre: Young Adult Fiction
Genre: Young Adult Fiction
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