Kristen Iskandrian

   Motherest (2016)
Books containing stories by Kristen Iskandrian
Pets (2020)
edited by
Jordan Castro
Eat Joy (2019)
Stories & Comfort Food from 31 Celebrated Writers
edited by
Natalie Eve Garrett
The Best American Short Stories 2018 (2018)
(Best American Short Stories)
edited by
Roxane Gay

Kristen Iskandrian recommends
How to Care for a Human Girl (2023)
Ashley Wurzbacher
"Ashley Wurzbacher is a prodigiously talented prose stylist with a supernatural ability to capture women in all of their complexity. With her debut novel, she delivers the beautiful, moving, and frequently hilarious story of Maddy and Jada, two sisters whose divergent paths lead them to a fraught, new togetherness. Wurzbacher's unflinching treatment of difficult topics - grief, class, pregnancy, ambition - is handled so brilliantly that you might not realize you're rethinking everything you thought you knew about freedom. A courageous and triumphant debut!"
End of the World House (2022)
Adrienne Celt
"Adrienne Celt's writing is such a pleasure to read--fluid, funny, and smart--that the dazzling architecture of END OF THE WORLD HOUSE almost feels like an extravagance. The story of a friendship ravaged by a ruined world, with shades of both RUSSIAN DOLL and Rumaan Alam's LEAVE THE WORLD BEHIND, this is both a page turner and a shrewd examination of intimacy and survival."
The Third Hotel (2018)
Laura van den Berg
"After finishing The Third Hotel I found myself reeling for days. What a triumph of a book! Such a gorgeous, intelligent excavation of marriage, loss, art, flânerie. Simply spending time inside Laura van den Berg's elegant, muscular sentences has made me a better writer."

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